Developing flexible mobile payment
MNO and bank approach
mobile payment native &
value added m-commerce acquiring
Washington, February 23, 2010
A1 Bank and Paybox Logos
mCommerce | mobilkom austria group
Internet Payment & ticketing
Images representing internet and cinema
Images showing various ways of people to purchase products and services that can be paid via mobile. For example: Visits a client together with a colleague by car and pays the parking fee with mobile phone or Next client meeting in an m-payment enabled restaurant.
Image showing the activation and loyalty to m-shopping, m-ticketing, m-gambling, m-business, and m-transporation through mobile payment with an application and infrastructure service.
Promotion - Attachment to parking violation tickets
Image of a parking violation ticket
* Wien, Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Klagenfurt, Innsbruck
Activation and Common usability
Permanent optimisation
Image of Stadbus-Tickets mit SMS
Image of NFC
Image of A1 SMS Ticket with SMS-Code an 0664 660 6000
Life Ball 100% Mobile Tickets
Robbie Williams 9,000 Mobile Concert Tickets at the A1 SMS Gate
Hierarchy chart entitled m-payment scope using a Nokia SmartPhone Device
Chart identifies three methods of payments: Less than 10 € -- MICRO payment, Less than 100 € -- MEDIUM payment and Greater than --MACRO payment through Trx. After receiving the Trx it can be prepaid or aggregation which does acquiring, mobile authorization and issuing.
Image of Nokia SmartPhone Device showing how a consumer can pay for services through paybox.
Image of MasterCard
Image of Visa and MasterCard
Image of a Phone Bill
Image of an website with transactions and services
Image of Email and SMS
Chart identifies three methods of payments: Acquiring less than 10 € -- MICRO payment, Less than 100 € -- MEDIUM payment and Greater than --MACRO payment through Trx. After receiving the Trx it can be prepaid or accumulation through the less than -- Micro payment. Issuring methods from paybox are through direct debit stored value account, phone bill or prepaid cards.
Role of mobilkom austria today
Diagram identifies three services A1 mobilkom austria, paybox, and orange how customers can pay.
mCommerce Solutions for A1: Private Customers pay via their phone bill (without registration)
Central Merchants for paybox: Business customers, prepaid customers and customers from other networks pay via paybox Direct Debit
mCommerce Solutions for orange: Private Customers pay via their phone bill without registration.
Diagram showing the percentage of A1 Bank shares of 100% and paybox shares of 83.3% with customers using T-mobile at 16.3% through mCommerce of orange and telering.
A1 Bank checklist of items:
paybox checklist of items:
Chart entitled M-commerce /m-payment ranking shoring on the x-axis the relative m-payment maturity (Compared to mature market) and on the y-axis market maturity stage for 21 countries. On the y-axis for market maturity embryonic stage was for the Colombia, Slovakia, Czech, Republic, Venezuela, France, and USA countries which had a relative m-payment maturity 0% to about 15%. For market maturity early stage was for the Belgium, Germany, UK, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal, Estonia, Finland, Italy and Sweden countries which had a relative m-payment maturity 20% to about 53%. For market maturity developing stage was for the Norway, Spain, Croatia, and Chaia countries which had a relative m-payment maturity 60% to about 80%. For market maturity advanced stage was for the Austria, Korea, Singapore, and Japan countries which had a relative m-payment maturity 75% to about 85%
Success Factors for Austria, Korea, Singapore and Japan countries are:
Source: Arthur D. Little analysis
Image of A1 Visa Card
Image of Visa Classic Card to show the following beneifts and services
Insurance Package
Service around the clock
SMS security package
International Scope
National Scope
Telco Scope
Start competitive with clear differentiation, but quickly build national compatibility
Images showing various ways of people to purchase products and services that can be paid via mobile. For example: Buys the tramway ticket on his way to the station and avoids the queues in front of the ticket machines or It is time for a coffee, in Vienna there are several m-pyament coffee shops.
Thank you!
Peter Lohmann
head of related affairs
+43 (0) 664 331 4170
mobilkom austria AG
Obere Donausstr. 33
A-1020 Wien